NOTE: Do not confuse steps 3 and 4 - NVSE and the NVSE Extender are separate entities and are both required.
Download and install the NVSE Extender by Prideslayer, available here.
Using any other will result in the game not functioning properly. NOTE: Sexout REQUIRES the beta version, marked as " beta version 4.2b3".
Download and install the New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE), located here.
Download and install Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM), located here, or use the customized Sexout version located here.
For the purposes of this guide, it will be assumed you are working with a fresh, clean install. Installation Installing the requirements If you are interested in playing Sexout in the Fallout 3 world, see this thread. Sexout is NOT designed for and is NOT supported for use with Fallout 3.
the Compatability Skeleton - BnB BodyExtender FAFF NVG.
a mod manager (FOMM recommended, Wrye Flash and NMM may have limited/no support).